Sunday, January 25, 2009


When your heart becomes heavy,

the words have sunk in,

noises start to fade away,

when words fail to reach,

the hand reaches for the key,

you start your bike,

all you want to do is go anywhere,

the path u take is unknown,

when your vision starts to blur,

not because of the weight of sorrow,

but because of the tears,brimming in your eyes,

tears loose pace,as you bike start to gain,

for you go in search of comfort,

knowing well time is the hero,

knowing not where the roads lead,

you go and go and go,till you hit that brakes,

and take a deep breath,not because things will be OK,

because you just avoided hitting,

the small boy who tried to cross the road,

and that moment brings the flash,

some things are not the end,

there are many things that keeps us going......


  1. @ Namrita and Harish...

    Thank u.First half is somehing that happened to me..second half what could have happened
